Cursa pentru supravietuire Anul 1959. A inceput cautarea unui astronaut in toata Uniunea Sovietica. Expertii militari cauta cosmonauti dupa specificatiile lui Serghei Koriolov. Misiunea e atat de secreta, incat nici cei alesi nu stiu despre ce e vorba sau ce e in spatele ei. Candidati alesi sunt supusi unor conditii extreme, pentru a le fi testata forta fizica. Cursa pentru luna Anul 1964. Rolul lui Koriolov e pastrat secret in URSS in timp ce realizarile rivalului sau american, Wernher von Braun, sunt publice. Amandoi visau de 30 de ani sa ajunga pe luna. insa Koroliov nu poate obtine fonduri pentru racheta selenara.
Supernatural: The Unseen Powers of Animals is a six-part British nature documentary television miniseries that was produced by John Downer Productions and commissioned by the BBC Natural History Unit, the same team behind the earlier successful shows Supersense and Lifesense. The program was narrated by Andrew Sachs and originally broadcast in the United Kingdom on BBC1 in 1999. The theme of the series was "the unseen power of animals."
Supernatural: The Unseen Powers of Animals is a six-part British nature documentary television miniseries that was produced by John Downer Productions and commissioned by the BBC Natural History Unit, the same team behind the earlier successful shows Supersense and Lifesense. The program was narrated by Andrew Sachs and originally broadcast in the United Kingdom on BBC1 in 1999. The theme of the series was "the unseen power of animals."
Supernatural: The Unseen Powers of Animals is a six-part British nature documentary television miniseries that was produced by John Downer Productions and commissioned by the BBC Natural History Unit, the same team behind the earlier successful shows Supersense and Lifesense. The program was narrated by Andrew Sachs and originally broadcast in the United Kingdom on BBC1 in 1999. The theme of the series was "the unseen power of animals."
Supernatural: The Unseen Powers of Animals is a six-part British nature documentary television miniseries that was produced by John Downer Productions and commissioned by the BBC Natural History Unit, the same team behind the earlier successful shows Supersense and Lifesense. The program was narrated by Andrew Sachs and originally broadcast in the United Kingdom on BBC1 in 1999. The theme of the series was "the unseen power of animals."
Supernatural: The Unseen Powers of Animals is a six-part British nature documentary television miniseries that was produced by John Downer Productions and commissioned by the BBC Natural History Unit, the same team behind the earlier successful shows Supersense and Lifesense. The program was narrated by Andrew Sachs and originally broadcast in the United Kingdom on BBC1 in 1999. The theme of the series was "the unseen power of animals."
Naturalistul Attenborough cerceteaza ultimele studii stiintifice pentru a afla daca mediul inconjurator se afla intr-o criza, si daca da, ce solutii am avea la indemana...
Naturalistul Attenborough cerceteaza ultimele studii stiintifice pentru a afla daca mediul inconjurator se afla intr-o criza, si daca da, ce solutii am avea la indemana...
Naturalistul Attenborough cerceteaza ultimele studii stiintifice pentru a afla daca mediul inconjurator se afla intr-o criza, si daca da, ce solutii am avea la indemana...
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